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Power Dynamics Pdx30

Power Dynamics Pdx30

Descrizione del prodotto

The PDX30 Stereo Direct Injection Box is a portable dual-channel stereo DI box that delivers superior connectivity and audio performance. Housed in a robust alloy case the PDX30 features XLR balanced outputs and 6.3mm linked inputs/outputs. A built-in ground-lift switch can help avoid noise from ground loops. The PDX30 supports 9V battery or 48V phantom-power operation and is suitable for active acoustic guitars, bass guitars, electric pianos, synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, DJ mixers, CD, DVD and MP3 players.

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    Power Dinamics

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39,80 €

Importo dell' IVA: 7,18 € ( 22% )
Risparmi Euro 0

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